Thursday, May 18, 2017

          Hey Angelina I have secretly got on to your blog thingy! I wanted to make  post so here it is!
I you can figure out who I am before May 24, 2017 I will reward you.

Here are some clues :)

1. I am/was your bestes friend

2. My name is _ _ _ _ _ _

 Image result for Marines Image result for seal team 6
Enjoy :) ❤️

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Small Speech

These years at Hynes and Golf has truly been roller coaster. I had my ups and my downs but I survived them, obviously. Since I have a horrible memory and barely remember Hynes, I still remember the first day I came there in 3rd grade. I was the ¨new girl¨ and everyone was very sweet and helping me with my things so I could put them in my locker. And now here I am, graduating 8th grade, going into high school. It is incredibly scary how fast time goes, but it is worth it. I am moving so of course I am going to miss my true friends here at Golf since we had so many crazy memories together, outside and inside of school. Throwing a food fight in the lunchroom in 7th grade and then later on getting in trouble and having to clean up, it is fun and I am going to miss it... not going to lie. I have my goals I am going to achieve in high school, and graduating is only the beginning.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Ending and Beginnings

My goals for the end of the school year is to just relax and enjoy the rest of the summer when it comes. Summer is barely 3 months and that is all I have to enjoy it and make plans for what to do. 

 Now, my goals for summer is to do those plans, like a bucket list. I want to have fun before I go into high school. Everything happens so fast, and before you know it you are in college...

Monday, May 1, 2017


These songs you have to listen to, get the chill vibes.

  • Springtime stroll
  • Jungle (H.E.R)
  • Get You
  • Death & Taxes
  • Streetcar
  • Show No Regret
  • Paradise
  • Redbone
  • Location
  • Breathe.Scream.Dream
  • Losing Control
  • Losing (H.E.R)
  • Me And Your Mama
  • Habits
  • Hey I Miss U
  • Affection (Jinsang)

It's Complicated

                 I mean I would only have one word for this topic and it would explain a lot and that word would be life. Life is complicated all year round and I honestly don't picture life without it's downs and rough times, it's "normal."

             Things that are complicated: Homework, especially if you don't understand it, yikes. School could be rough too, I mean mostly high school, even though I am not in high school yet, I just know what the pressure is gonna be like. You have to understand that your growing up and things ARE gonna be complicated, so you just gotta deal.