It was a normal bus ride after school in 5th grade on February 28th, wondering what my mom cooked for me, thinking of all the homework I was gonna "do" later. I remember while sitting on this bus I was just staring at the window and when it came across my bus stop I soon to realize that none of my parents car were parked outside my house. Weird, I thought but I still got off the bus. As I was walking to my house, I saw a family-friend waiting for me and I thought my parents just went to pick something up and they'll be back quickly, so I had no question about it. We went to her house and we went to get subway, everything was perfectly normal and fine but, then I had to go, and my cousin was picking me up. I thought this was weird and now wondered where my parents went. As I got into their car I asked where I was going and they replied, my grandparents house. I usually went by grandparents house 3 times a week or so, and it didn't surprise me that he said that. We were in the car for 20 minutes driving, until finally he parked and he said the 6 words I will never forget. "Angelina, your uncle Rami passed away." I couldn't believe the words he was saying and I didn't want to believe him, I did not believe him. I told him no that wasn't right and we went out of the car and I went inside my grandparents house and saw my whole family crying, at that moment everything felt like a dream.
Rami, I wish I had remembered all of our memories we had together. We all had our good and bad days, but I will always remember you smiling and trying to make me laugh. We said stupid stuff to each other and it would always make us laugh. Every time I wouldof saw you, you would always say, "Remember the phone" and to this day and then, I would not remember it, but it would always make me smile. I remember you would always take me to the gas station whenever I was hungry and you would play games with my cousins and I whenever we were all bored. You felt like an older brother to me, I miss you. I miss your smile and your voice, I would do anything just to see you one last time and I mean it. My dad misses you too, so does my whole family. You were such an amazing, nice, and handsome guy. You were only 33 years old, and that number sticks to me forever. I won't ever forget the last time I saw you, outside, talking and laughing with my dad. Your parents and I were watching you guys and talking about how you two look the same. You and my dad had the same yellow/brownish jacket, which I thought was totally cool. My heart is just skipping beats while writing this and I love you. You will always be in my heart, forever and always.